The Big Art

The Mother of All Tears

There are so many reasons people want to learn how to tell their personal life stories well: to pass on […]

Into the Unknown

When people arrive at storytelling workshops, they often worry about having the “right” story to work on, whether it’s a

One Dumpling Eyes

Storytellers the world over have been telling stories all through the Covid 19 pandemic. The challenge of course, is always

The Gratitude Chain

It started with an email. Former student, colleague and fellow storyteller Abbie Simmonds wrote to me after a long gap,

The Power of the Pause

I have just returned from teaching a five week community storytelling course in Cape Town. During that time I was

The Power of the Flame

Students from the 3 week Personal Storytelling Course in Amari last October gazing into the flames. When I was at

Thank you St Nicholas!

Every year in The Netherlands, people celebrate the Festival of St Nicholas on December 6th. St Nicholas was originally a Bishop

Inside What Happened

I recently heard an illuminating reflection on the core work of telling a story from your own life. One of

The Ultimate Wonder Tale

Recently I was in Germany working for a large corporate client on storytelling and presence for senior leaders. Unusually, the group was all men and all of them had a strong scientific background…

Stories Need No Visas.

It’s been an interesting experience to begin to create a worldwide personal storytelling community from the UK at this time. Immediately after I conceived of the idea, Brexit happened and the UK voted to leave the European Union. Much of the dialogue and debate around the vote was based on fears…

Humanity is irresistible!

Several people have asked me in the past year since I left the International School of Storytelling what made me decide to change from working with all kinds of stories to specialising in true life stories. Whilst I was working at the Amari School of Storytelling in Crete earlier this year, the answer was simply…

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